
I love dogs

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


The soft warmth of a crackling fire
The sweet smells wafting from the kitchen
The red and brown leaves slowly twisting and turning down to the cold ground
The excited clamor that surrounds the early dinner hour
The security of family tucked in around you
The preparation of many dishes, painstakingly made in a cramped kitchen
The gratifying sound of forks and knives making quick work of your entire day's goal
The sleepy, contented sigh, issuing from many people at the end of the meal.
Happy Thanksgiving

Friday, November 12, 2010


aren't tears weird? When people get sad, their start expelling saltwater from their eyes. I just find it kind of strange to think why evolution would have thought we needed that bodily function to deal with our sadness. What does it accomplish? How does saltwater help when it is pouring from your eyes? If I were in charge of evolution, I would give humans something really cool, such as avatar tails, or wings.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Why do people jump to conclusions about things. There are people who can be hit in the face with a bully, but will still say that it was a cookie, if they want it to be a cookie. Then there are people who will lie to your face about their real opinions, but then go behind your back and badmouth you to everyone. Why can't everybody just say what they really think. I know that sometimes it is hard to always be honest, but I know that I try and be honest with my friends. I don't know why people feel the need to lie in order to avoid a confrontation, but then say something so hurtful and mean a few hours later.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Why is it that snow is so soft, yet melts before you can feel it?
Why is it that time passes so fast, yet so slow?
Why is love so fragile?
Why is kindness so rare?
Why do people judge before knowing?
Why do deer always get stuck with the stereotype?
Why is hate so prevalent?
Why is crime so common?
Why is it that we cannot see past our own problems?
Why is it that dolphins and pigs haven't taken over the world yet?

Food and society

Why is society obsessed with food? Every holiday and occasion is marked with food. Thanksgiving is the turkey obviously, Christmas is cookies, birthday is cake, and so on. Now don't get me wrong, I love food, but I just don't see why we need a special occasion to eat cake, or cookies, or turkey. Why can't we just eat it without feeling guilty. There always has to be a reason to consume that lovely calorie loaded goodness. I wish society would just get over the fact that not eating anything is preferable to exercise. Why can't everyone just get their buts off of the couch and go run or do something outside. If everyone was required to exercise for and hour each day, then we wouldn't have to worry about eating that cookie, or that slice of cake. We wouldn't have to worry about justifying our diets with holidays.

First post

Hi, this is my first time blogging so bear with me. I started this blog because I wanted a place where I could write about life. I will focus on my life, but I would also like to include some thoughts on more general topics.
First: Some background on me
I am a young girl, currently going to school
I have brown hair and eyes and am about 5'10"
There now you know me a little. My goal in the blog is to have a discussion about all things concerning life and all the great and not so great things that go along with it.