
I love dogs
Thursday, July 14, 2011
wallowing and endorphins
Isn't wallow a great word? I love wallow. It not only can be used to describe so many feelings and emotions, but also it conjures up a fantastic image of a herd of hippos moving around in a vast expanse of mud. Maybe it's just me, but I always get really excited when I can tell people how much I am wallowing in my daily life. You can wallow in self-pity, anger, sadness, happiness, and in homework. I frequently wallow in endorphins after I complete a tough cross-country or track race. It's so much fun. That's another thing. Endorphins, how cool are they. I mean if you ask many runners why they run, part of their answer will be because of the great feeling you get afterwards. I think it is super cool that the human body came up with a way to release these "happy" chemicals after basically trying to beat you over head with muscle exhaustion and aerobic death. Apparently the body rewards you for almost causing it to collapse from heat stroke!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
coming home
Even though I have never left, I still feel like I am coming home every spring. The new life that is born every spring each feels like a new friend who I haven't seen in a while. I love coming home, because it feels like a reunion of old feelings and a instigation of new feelings. The smell of spring brings me back home, almost as assuredly as really coming home after a long time away.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Whether it is the security of a mother's embrace, the return to a common routine, or the sound of a familiar voice, comfort can be felt and be given in many different ways. For me, comfort comes when I am reminded of the kindness of friends. To drop everything and come to one's need, no matter the reason, gives amazing comfort to the recipient.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Drawing on someone else's arm
Sometimes people decide to draw on other people's arms. This act of affection? can lead to hilarity or connection of dots (freckles) This simple act can be very strange. What is it about human nature that leads people to feel a need to graffiti other people. Some people might say that they do it because it is funny, others might just think that it is weird. How can drawing a kitty and a boat on the arm of their friend, express the deep-seated jealously of that person's skin and freckles. This act can even progress at far as highlighting veins. To most people this post must seem a tad bit random or odd, but trust me when I say that I speak from personal experience.
I love the warm taste of brownies. Somehow, the gooey richness of a good chocolate brownie can seem to take away all thought and recognition of sadness and joy. Brownies can cure anything. They are amazing substances, that have incredible powers that can change the outcome of a day. Most foods seem to simply exist to provide sustenance for our bodies, but brownies can change moods, shape opinions, and even create lasting relationships. Brownies will change the world!
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